Make a donation to the bedbugs program.

Any contribution is appreciated.

What’s the need?

Our immediate priority is to acquire a storage container to safely store the belongings of affected families during bedbug treatments. This container, costing approximately $2,000.00, will be utilized by families for 3-6 months under a signed contract. Anything remaining in the container after the designated period will be discarded, and the container will be passed on to the next family in need. The reason we would not use local storage units is to prevent further contaminating others.


Can purchase winter coat for a child whose clothes are infested with bedbugs

What can I do?


Helps pay for cleaning services in the home of 1 family


Pays the exterminator fees for 2 families


Can purchase new bed furniture and mattresses for 1-2 families


Pays for the cost of the container storage that is used by all families